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Payment digitisation took a big leap forward in 2020 – and so did Ukheshe

2 min read.

2020 has certainly been a year unlike any other. Not only did the pandemic push the fast forward button on existing trends, and draw attention to low/no-touch solutions, it also resulted in a renewed focus on the cashless payment revolution and its many benefits.

Ukheshe officially turned two in November and we expanded our team to around 50 employees – a definite cause for celebration. This year also saw the launch of Ukheshe Africa, led by Mark Dankworth, which will be our launchpad for identifying new business-to-business opportunities across the continent. We are looking forward to building and evolving Ukheshe as a leading digital fintech platform provider and becoming the driving force in the African payment space.

Amid an unexpected and unprecedented year, we managed to successfully pivot our business with our Eclipse API and offer products and services that enable our customers to develop and produce their own fintech and payment solutions. What is abundantly clear is that the financial inclusion challenge still exists, and financial service providers are fighting to gain market share of the 11 million unbanked population in South Africa and the 350 million unbanked in sub-Saharan Africa. The reason our platform and offering has such immense value is thanks to its potential to assist major players in the financial services sector to offer new and evolving products and services.

As we look ahead to 2021 and rapid expansion within the African continent our strategy is simple and remains to drive financial inclusion in everything that we do. #Insuretech #UkhesheTechnologies #EclipseAPI #contactless #FinancialIndustry #paymentsindustry #FinancialInclusion #Fintech #Africa #Banking


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